Thursday, August 26, 2010


So here I am just sitting on my computer that's not gonna last as long as I need it to. See I am in the Korean Airport for the next 7 hours..... And I already slept a whole bunch on the 12 hour flight that brought me here so I am wide awake... Oh. and its 5:25 in the morning, so I can't even look outside and try to look at anything cool and Korean because its pitch black, All the shops in the airport are closed so nothing to explore there either. I hope this layover goes by faster than I am anticipating :? But everything that has brought me to this point in time has been great! a couple short flights from SLC-Las Vegas then Vegas-LA. Then we hopped on the 12 hour flight to Korea which went SUPER fast. Luckily. I started a movie, ate some dinner, fell asleep for about 5-6 hours, woke up in time for breakfast, finished the movie and started another right before landing. I'll have to finish that one on the ride home. so All-in-all its been fine. I feel gross but thanks to Scotty I had a little "refreshing" clean up. Took my toothbrush and toothpaste from the flight and now I'm feeling good. Just not looking forward to another 7 hours in this airport...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

China. You know.

Well today at 2 o'clock I hop in the car to head to the airport. From there I take a 5 o'clock flight to Vegas, then jump on an 8 o'clock flight (which will be between 13-15 hours) to Korea. After that i get on one last plane that takes me to Shanghai! A bus ride or so later I will show up in Changzhou. And thats where I plan on spending 99% of my time for the next four months! peace out everyone!